Excessive Head Sweating in Children

When the condition of hyperhidrosis gained popularity among people it started becoming a real cause of concern for them, especially parents because if this can happen to the elder people then it can definitely happen to children. This is why parents often panic when they simply see a drop of sweat on their children. More often than not the children sweat profusely because of their energy at play and so the parents shouldn’t simply panic all the time.  

Growing up in itself is a real difficult experience to encounter and so excessive head sweating in children is really an additional misery during the growth process. The excessive head sweating in children is usually seen in children during the teen stage and sometimes starts during puberty. The excessive head sweating is usually accompanied by sweaty feet, hands and other parts of the body.

While going for the safe treatments or medications to control the excessive sweating in children, parents should take care not to stop the treatment once the medication takes effect. Expert medical practitioners should be consulted as this could be a symptom of some illness that could be bigger than the sweating itself.

What are the other problems that could be created due to excessive sweating in children? One of the harmful effects in children could be diabetes. Other symptoms that could indicate the presence of diabetes are drinking a lot of water, urinating a lot, feeling excessively thirsty etc… If these symptoms are not seen then excessive sweating is not a symptom of diabetes

Another ailment that has the excessive sweating symptom is congestive heart failure. It is not something that is to be observed further but something that needs to be treated right away. Symptoms that could be observed apart from excessive sweating are frequent coughing, difficulty in gaining weight, having a faster respiratory rate etc…

This kind of excessive head sweating could lead to hyperthyroidism in children. This is a condition characterized by the over performance of the thyroid glands. When both hyperhidrosis and hyperthyroidism comes together in a body it could lead to a lot of complications including weakness, depression, hyperactivity, intolerance to heat and also continuous excessive sweating. In addition to this the victims of hyperthyroidism also could encounter other symptoms like shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, atrial fibrillation and also palpitation.

Even if the children do not have these symptoms the children cannot be safe from other illnesses. Consulting the doctors or other experts is the best possible thing to do in the event of noticing excessive head sweating in children. But for those who cannot consult the experts due to certain financial constraints online resources are available that could help in finding alternative medication from home itself. Mostly these could be home medication methods that could be easily found in the kitchen like having vinegar or honey at the start of a day. Some herbal medicines are also available for this that can be used for a few weeks though this cannot offer a permanent remedy.

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